Welcome to Menoko Og old web project portfolio

Blessed be!By: Lawrence "Menoko OG" Jefferson II


Hello, welcome to my website of old porjects I did for clients back in 2010-2013. These sites were primarily created in Adobe Dreamwever. That was the main platform for development I learned and used while earning my degree in web publishing from American Military University.

On the left side menu you will find the links to my old website projects.

Below you will see different versions of Lorem Ipsum content. I put these here for your entertainment. Lorem Ipsum is used for content when designers and developers need content to mimick what it will look like on the site while in the development phase. Enjoy!

Bacon Lorem ipsum

December 12, 2023Posted by Menoko OG


Bacon ipsum dolor amet leberkas andouille spare ribs, ball tip chuck meatloaf pork loin. Cow shank picanha rump. Jerky ham hock ground round picanha filet mignon, flank short loin pork chop fatback pork loin brisket jowl chuck tri-tip. Buffalo pancetta alcatra tenderloin, ham hock landjaeger kielbasa jowl cow ribeye. Rump drumstick prosciutto short ribs beef tail t-bone boudin beef ribs pig flank. Landjaeger ground round turducken, fatback ham hock ribeye pork loin capicola short loin burgdoggen t-bone beef ribs. Andouille tri-tip buffalo, filet mignon short ribs doner pig turkey sirloin turducken. Sausage meatball meatloaf drumstick ball tip, burgdoggen short ribs short loin shoulder cupim corned beef prosciutto boudin. Cupim filet mignon corned beef short loin sausage ball tip short ribs meatloaf kielbasa brisket pork loin ribeye shankle ham hock flank. Tail short ribs landjaeger, tongue chuck beef ribs short loin cupim.

Bro Ipsum

December 12, 2023Posted by Menoko OG


Bro ipsum dolor sit amet wheelie carve backside crank, white room heli taco mitt flowy wack gorby daffy gaper hero. Gear jammer hammerhead grom 360 chain ring hurl carcass hot dogging. Huckfest roadie gondy freshies, shreddin wheelie drop moguls. Park spin dust on crust misty. Table top pillow popping whip gondy dirtbag, core shot single track first tracks first tracks north shore gorby. Face plant DH huck bro corn rig pipe flow pillow popping punter afterbang hammerhead switch gondy core shot. Steeps 180 bomb hole, pipe rock-ectomy grip tape taco sucker hole face plant stoked laps clean epic pow pow spin. Ripper bunny slope pipe hardtail gear jammer phat lid shuttle. Schraeder dirt bail bonk laps white room glades bunny slope huck bowl nose first tracks. Liftie sucker hole rig carbon carve. Stomp twister pow giblets, schwag park laps core shot bunny slope gaper. Hammer core shot wheels huckfest laps bear trap poaching groomer. Dope steed hammer yard sale single track. Saddle skid brain bucket back country poaching grunt liftie brain bucket sharkbite

Hipster Ipsum

December 12, 2023Posted by Menoko OG


I'm baby man bun YOLO tonx try-hard. Grailed bruh 8-bit artisan letterpress hot chicken. Try-hard twee art party readymade hella chartreuse pork belly. Pitchfork snackwave chartreuse actually jawn church-key thundercats meggings banjo scenester fashion axe chambray typewriter pop-up cardigan. Knausgaard slow-carb sus everyday carry hell of. Grailed venmo you probably haven't heard of them, poutine Brooklyn gastropub twee mixtape. Health goth activated charcoal scenester tousled, artisan kickstarter sustainable hashtag bushwick. Deep v man bun marxism echo park vexillologist succulents four dollar toast copper mug seitan farm-to-table. Roof party keffiyeh try-hard 8-bit scenester. Waistcoat fit succulents praxis paleo squid. Praxis poke skateboard next level, tacos JOMO disrupt offal gastropub poutine trust fund squid